19.08201616/12/2016 Launch of 3 new products – Dobro Jutro Margarine with Butter, Chocolate and Orange Flavoured Table Margarine and Mayonnaise Spring OnionsBy dijamantIn HistoryTags 2011, ifs, gmp+, sosevi, prelivi, istorijat7 Launch of 3 new products – Dobro Jutro Margarine with Butter, Chocolate and Orange Flavoured Table Margarine and Mayonnaise Spring...
19.10201416/12/2016 Launch of new products – Bacon Mayonnaise, Lemon Mayonnaise, Mustardmayo Salad Dressing and Dijamant Table Butter Margarine with Vanilla FlavouredBy dijamantIn HistoryTags 2011, ifs, gmp+, sosevi, prelivi, istorijat9 Launch of new products – Bacon Mayonnaise, Lemon Mayonnaise, Mustardmayo Salad Dressing and Dijamant Table Butter Margarine with Vanilla Flavoured
01.01201116/12/2016 Launch of a new products in the category of dressing and saucesBy dijamantIn HistoryTags 2011, ifs, gmp+, sosevi, prelivi, istorijat8 Launched new products in the category of dressings and sauces (Grill, Garlic, Mayonnaise Gastro Culinary Mexicana, Dijamant Junior Mayonnaise, Chili...
01.01199916/12/2016 Production of the dressings and sauces startedBy dijamantIn HistoryTags 1999, sosevi, prelivi, istorijat, dijamant5 Production of dressings and sauces started under the Dijamant brand